
2024 Memorial Day and Grilling

2024 Memorial Day and Grilling

Memorial Day is tomorrow and it’s the unofficial start of grilling season. Stock up at your local Strack & Van Til on the items you need to make your barbecue the best. Great grilling options...

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National Wellness Month

National Wellness Month

It’s always important to prioritize healthy eating, exercise, and stress management. Since August is National Wellness Month, it’s a great time to focus on your physical and mental well-being. These...

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Unique Ways to Use Zucchini

Unique Ways to Use Zucchini

Summer is prime time for zucchini and yellow squash. If you’ve ever grown your own zucchini, you know that you are bursting with pounds of squash during harvest time. Many people begin seeking out...

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Kids Take Over the Kitchen Day

Young Chefs Academy has set out to teach children and teens the joy and value of cooking. They designated September 13th as National Kids Take Over the Kitchen Day. Their goal is to empower children...

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National Family Meals Month

Studies show that people who eat meals together tend to have better dietary habits and consume more fruits and vegetables. Enjoying a meal with others can help improve connectedness, communication,...

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Health Benefits of Nutritional Yeast

Nutritional yeast is a high-protein plant food. This dehydrated inactive yeast has become popular among vegans and vegetarians. It has a unique flavor that gives a nutritional boost to a variety of...

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How to Make a Sheet Pan Meal

Who doesn’t love a meal that’s delicious, healthy, and easy to prepare? Sheet pan meals come together in about 30 minutes, and the clean-up is a breeze. The basic formula for this type of dinner is...

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Top Holiday Wellness Tips

To feel your best this holiday season, it’s important to make time for self-care. When you practice proper self-care, you can better help others while having the necessary energy for your job or...

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Heart Healthy Diet

If you have a family history of heart disease or you are looking for a well-balanced meal plan, following a heart-healthy diet can be a preventative measure. Consuming vegetables, high-fiber grains,...

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Health Benefits of Cranberries

We often think of cranberries as a Thanksgiving side dish. However, this antioxidant-rich berry can offer health benefits year-round. Learn more about this delicious berry and the best ways to use...

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Self-Care Tips for December

The holidays can be a very joyous time, but they can also be stressful. The importance of health and mental well-being should be prioritized during these long winter months. It is possible to...

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Unique Ways to Use Oatmeal

Did you know oats are one of the most nutritious and versatile foods? You can learn this firsthand by trying the unique ways our resident dietitian uses oats. Take a look through this article and...

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How to Use Canned Coconut Milk

Coconut milk is a perfect non-dairy substitute for a variety of recipes! Join our resident dietitian, Rebecca, as she explores the versatility of cooking and baking with coconut milk. Learn more...

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Health Benefits of Milled Flax Seeds

Flax seeds have long been an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. Many health experts recommend ground flax seeds because they help improve digestion while also decreasing inflammation...

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10 Surprising Uses for Apple Cider Vinegar

Vinegar is well known for its use in the kitchen. It’s a key ingredient for salad dressings, marinades, and sauces. Apple Cider Vinegar has surprising household and cooking applications that you...

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How to Use Blue Agave Sweetener

Looking for a sweetener alternative? You have come to the right place! Our resident dietitian, Rebecca, will walk you through the benefits of using Blue Agave Sweetener. From vitamins to a lower...

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Why Choose Coconut Flour and Sugar

With coconuts being gluten-free and plant based there are many reasons to choose Coconut Flour and Sugar for your next bake. Learn more about these two coconut products and how to use them in your...

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Deviled Eggs 5 Ways

Deviled eggs are a classic, rich, and creamy appetizer or snack. They are fairly easy make with basic kitchen ingredients. The beauty of this traditional food is that it can take on different...

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Cooking for a Crowd

Feel prepared when hosting a group of friends or having family over for the holidays. We have three simple tips to keep in mind to help ease the planning and execution of a group meal. Let us help...

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Why Choose Organic?

A new dilemma has arisen for consumers at most local grocery stores. Is it better to choose organic or traditionally grown food products? In years past, organic foods were only found at health food...

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Clean Eating

I first heard the phrase “clean eating” about a year ago at my local CrossFit gym. I immediately liked the term. It was a concise way of saying that someone wanted to consume whole, unprocessed,...

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Seasonal Foods

As the weather gets warmer and the days get longer many people are looking for ways to freshen up their diet. This is the time of year that we can easily switch from the winter comfort foods to the...

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The latest trend in cooking with vegetables and fruit is spiralizing. This is a delicious and fun way to serve up a wide variety of foods. Spiralizing is also a good way to incorporate some...

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Summer Berries

One of my favorite things about summer is the wide variety of delicious berries that are available June through August. Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries or blackberries are a mainstay in my...

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Make Ahead Meals

After a long day at the office or an endless afternoon taking care of your children, cooking dinner can become a daunting task. The thought of starting to cook dinner when you’re already hungry...

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Hydrate With A Twist

Want to make drinking water a little more exciting? I know I do. Water is an essential part of life that we need every single day. It is a pure and healthy form of hydration, but plain water can be...

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Improving Your Lunch

Whether you’re packing a lunch for your child to take to school or you’re packing food for yourself at the office it’s easy to fall into the routine of bringing the same thing. Here are a few...

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Winter Squash

A sure sign of Fall is the colorful array of winter squash that become available at your local grocery store. These thick skinned vegetables are not only pretty to look at, they are also very...

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Do It Yourself

Almost all of our favorite foods can be found pre-made at the grocery store. It’s difficult to walk away from the convenience of food that is already assembled and ready to go. However, some of the...

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Shoppers Dilemma

It may seem like every time you turn on the news you hear something different about what’s healthy and what kind of diet we should adhere to on a daily basis. About a month ago the World Health...

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Resolution Time

Millions of Americans make a health related New Years resolution each year. Whether it’s eating better, kicking the smoking habit or getting to the gym more often, each of these goals are a worthy...

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Feeling a little sluggish after the holidays? Then perhaps it’s time to clean up and detoxify your diet. Detoxification of a meal plan is really about taking a break from certain foods and cleaning...

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Smart Snacking

Snacking is a daily ritual for many Americans. Therefore, it can be a habit that provides energy and motivation or it can be a trouble spot in your day. Smart snacking is very important especially...

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Benefits of Green Tea

Have you ever stopped to take a closer look at the health benefits of green tea? This tea has been around for centuries and it has been used medicinally to help counteract many adverse health...

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Versatile Balsamic Vinegar

Clearly by Best Choice Balsamic Vinegar is a flavorful reduction made from grapes. It’s often used as a tangy addition to salad dressing, but it can also be valuable in many other ways during the...

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The Perfect Poached Egg

Poaching is a great way to transform a simple egg into a decadent indulgence. Once you perfect the technique you can easily enjoy poached eggs at any meal time. Here is a guide on how to poach an...

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Cooking With Fresh Herbs

Just a pinch of vibrant fresh herbs can add unique flavor and color to any recipe. Many chefs consider herbs the secret to transforming a normal dish into an extraordinary meal. The challenge many...

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Grilling Fish

The lingering smell of cooking on the grill is one of my favorite signs of summer. There is a classic lineup of foods that we consider grill items. Hamburgers, hotdogs, steak and brats belong on any...

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Summer Snacks

During the warm summer months it’s natural for your body to start craving fresh new meal options. The last thing you want to do on a hot summer day is spend time in an over heated kitchen. Summer...

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Health Benefits Of Cherries

Cherries are known as Americas super fruit. They are not only delicious they’re also loaded with antioxidants that offer us a variety of health benefits. Studies suggest that cherries can help...

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When it comes to breakfast cereals any type of natural oats are an excellent choice. Most unflavored oats are made from minimally processed whole grains. Oatmeal and oat bran contain a specific type...

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Tips For Roasting Vegetables

A roasted vegetable done right can turn any veggie naysayer into a believer. The best part about roasting vegetable is that virtually anything goes, no complex recipes need to be followed. Most...

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Super Seeds

In recent years health professionals have encouraged the addition of seeds and nuts to daily meal plans to increase your nutrition profile. We now see flax seeds being added to lots of products from...

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Eat What You Love

Around the holidays everyone is thinking about their favorite festive traditions. Many family traditions involve special recipes and bountiful meal times. Making it challenging to eat healthy this...

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Hidden Salt

The Food and Drug Administration recommends that most Americans can safely consume about 2,000 milligrams of sodium each day. People at risk for heart disease should limit their intake to around...

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Eat More Vegetables

The world of nutrition and fitness has multiple different approaches and opinions, but one thing everyone can agree on is vegetables are a vital part of living well. Veggies can improve your health...

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Cooking With Honey

Honey truly is nature’s candy. This golden liquid has been a natural source of sweetness since the beginning of time. It can be used in baked goods, salad dressings and sauces. It also works great...

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The Perfect Caramelized Onions

Sometimes it’s hard to believe but onions are naturally sweet. The best way to pull out the sweetness from an ordinary onion is to caramelize. Caramelizing onions is the process of slow cooking them...

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5 Foods To Eat In The Month Of August

Late summer offers the widest range of foods available during the year. Some of the most delightful fruits and vegetables are at their peak in August. Berries are still plump and juicy this time of...

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Health Benefits Of Beets

This beautiful vegetable offers a wide variety of health benefits due to its rich mineral and antioxidant content. Beets can range in color from red to purple even yellow and orange. No matter what...

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Health Benefits Of Pumpkin

As if we needed any more reasons to enjoy this seasonal favorite. Pumpkin not only adds flavor and spice to a recipe it also adds nutrients. This bright orange squash is loaded with Vitamin A and...

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Mindful Eating

The holiday season is upon us, and this festive time of year can have a big impact on your nutrition routine. According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics the average American gains one to...

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Baking Season

‘Tis the Season for baking! The holidays call us together for fellowship, food and lots of seasonal treats. December is typically a month where multiple baked goods spring from peoples kitchens and...

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Forming New Habits

A new year always brings about an opportunity to step back and evaluate how we want to begin another season of life. New Years resolutions are a common time to make health goals and lifestyle...

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5 Ways To Stick With Your Health Goals

After the holiday season of eating, drinking and merriment many fitness centers see a rise in gym membership and attendance. However, regardless of this enthusiasm statistics show that gym...

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The Importance Of Sleep

One commonly overlooked health tip is the importance of getting a good nights sleep. Recent studies show that more Americans are struggling with chronic sleep loss than ever before. A consistent...

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Hearty Breakfast Starts The Day Off Right

If I’m honest I spent many of my younger years joyfully scarfing down a bowl of cereal for my breakfast. I’m still guilty of an occasional carbohydrate based first meal, but after experiencing a...

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Health Benefits Of Asparagus

This bright Spring vegetable is well known for its vast health benefits. It’s a great source of fiber, vitamin K, folate and iron. Asparagus is also very versatile in the ways it can be prepared....

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Flax Eggs

A flax egg was made popular by a desire for a vegan egg substitute in recipes. What is a flax egg you might be asking? It’s a natural completely vegan, gluten free, dairy free egg substitute made...

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Health Benefits Of Coconut Oil

Coconut has recently become the new trendy ingredient that’s popping up in all kinds of products. From food to water, skin care products and even straight coconut oil for use on your hair and lips....

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Not Your Ordinary Veggie Tray

When you’re asked to bring an appetizer or specifically a vegetable tray to your next gathering considering adding in a few different bright colored veggies. A typically line up for snack veggies is...

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Tips For Using Coconut Flour

An excellent grain free alternative for baking is coconut flour. This plant based flour is rich in fiber, healthy fat and protein. The dense yet light flour is a natural byproduct of coconut milk...

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Keeping Life Peachy

Studies show that as plant food consumption increases the risk of lifestyle related diseases, such as obesity and some forms of diabetes and heart disease, have substantially decreased. If you are...

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Health Benefits of Walnuts

Walnuts are a super food that contain many beneficial nutritional components. Incorporating walnuts and a variety of other tree nuts into your daily routine not only adds flavor and texture it can...

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Digestive Health

The two biggest factors that impact your digestive health are the foods that you eat and your everyday lifestyle choices. If we neglect to consider our digestive health needs then our system will...

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Cooking with Turmeric

The root spice turmeric has long been a steady force in Caribbean and Indian cuisine. Now that Americans are becoming more health conscience, consumers are looking for foods with anti-inflammatory...

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Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate has long been recognized as a healthy treat. As many American’s get ready to savor this festive indulgence on Valentine’s Day or celebrate National Chocolate Lover’s Month, it’s good...

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Kitchen Spring Cleaning

As warmer days settle in many people start to think about spring cleaning. One room in the house that greatly benefits from the proper organization and de-junking is the kitchen. A tidy...

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Health Benefits of Garlic

For many years, garlic has been used in Mediterranean, Italian, and Chinese cooking because of its fragrant aroma and delicious flavor. Garlic not only delivers a savory taste but it has long been...

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Five Health Benefits of Berries

The best part of enjoying berries on a daily basis is that they can be eaten right out of the carton, no preparation required. Just give your berries a good rinse and they can stand alone as a...

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Five Unique Ways to Enjoy Peaches

August is National Peach Month. Enjoying fresh seasonal fruit can offer your body a wide range of vitamins and minerals. Now is the time to purchase peaches, nectarines, and plums. These delightful...

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The Mighty Mushroom

The Mighty Mushroom

Mushrooms are best known for their savory and meaty flavor. This versatile veggie is also a good source of plant-based protein. Many vegans and vegetarians enjoy mushrooms as a way to help gain...

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The Benefits of Lemon Juice

The Benefits of Lemon Juice

Lemons are a unique fruit that can be used in sweet and savory style cooking. They add a tart zip to desserts and a bold rich flavor to marinades and dressings. The juice, pulp, and rind of a lemon...

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Ways to Liven Up a Sandwich

Ways to Liven Up a Sandwich

When it comes to lunch a good ole fashioned sandwich is a classic option for many people when they take a midday break. Sandwiches are fairly simple to prepare, so it’s easy to slip into a routine...

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Importance of Fish in your meal plan

Importance of Fish in your meal plan

A few months ago, on the Clearly blog, we highlighted the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet. One of the big factors that make this traditional way of eating so healthy is that the...

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Health Benefits of Squash

Health Benefits of Squash

Cooking with squash during the fall season can be fun, flavorful and nutritious. The medicinal benefits of the wide variety of squash are numerous. Most squash is loaded with potassium and...

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Cooking with Coffee

Cooking with Coffee

Coffee doesn’t just have to be for your morning cup of joe. It can add a rich and natural flavor to meats like steak, ribs and pork. Then on the flip side coffee can also be a savory and sweet...

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Easy Ways to Use your Slow Cooker

Easy Ways to Use your Slow Cooker

The best part about using a slow cooker preparing a meal in the morning and coming home to a delicious meal after a busy day. Slow cookers can make preparing a healthy meal easy and inexpensive. The...

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Five Tips for a Healthy Holiday

Five Tips for a Healthy Holiday

A big part of any holiday gathering is food. Delicious seasonal appetizers, entrees, and desserts are a festive part of many get-togethers. Holiday favorites are often higher in calories, but that...

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Mason Jar Meals

Mason Jar Meals

  When it comes to preparing meals in advance it’s always nice to find fun ways to put a spin on classic go-to recipes. Mason jars add a rustic charm and delight to anything they hold. They can make...

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Fun Ways To Use Your Waffle Maker

Fun Ways To Use Your Waffle Maker

Your waffle maker doesn’t just have to be the source of delicious breakfast food. Waffle makers can be used to cook a variety of different creations. Since waffle makers apply heat to both sides of...

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Health Benefits of Potatoes

Health Benefits of Potatoes

Potatoes have long been part of a wholesome and balanced meal. They have a lot to offer when it comes to vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Potatoes are rich in potassium, vitamin C and B vitamins. Many...

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Make Your Own Valentine’s Treats 

Make Your Own Valentine’s Treats 

  A sweet treat around Valentine’s Day is always heart–warming, but there’s nothing like a homemade baked good to get you in the holiday spirit. Whether it’s your turn to bring snacks for a class...

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Spice up your Popcorn

Spice up your Popcorn

Popcorn has long been a great snack. It can be the perfect savory or sweet treat to munch on when you need a boost in the afternoon. Popcorn is considered a whole grain and it’s a healthy snack when...

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Tips for Making a Meal Plan

Tips for Making a Meal Plan

Are you trying to save time and money? A good way to accomplish that goal is by planning your meals for the week ahead. If you’re only going to the store once every few weeks it’s crucial to take...

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Five ways to use fresh strawberries

Five ways to use fresh strawberries

  Ripe strawberries are delicious enough to be eaten all by themselves. Berries add a natural sweetness to a variety of dishes, but they can also be paired with savory foods. Try these unique ways...

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Tips: Cooking for One 

Tips: Cooking for One 

Whether you live alone or you have different food preferences than your family, it can be difficult to be creative in the kitchen when you are only making meals for yourself. However, with the right...

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Unique Ways to Use Blueberries

Unique Ways to Use Blueberries

Blueberries are at the peak of freshness in July. Which means it’s time to stock up on this antioxidant-packed fruit. Whether you are picking them up at your local grocer or picking berries from...

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Health Benefits of Dairy

Health Benefits of Dairy

June is National Dairy Month. For many years dairy products have been known as an important source of nutrients for growing children. Milk, yogurt, and cheese are excellent sources of protein,...

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10 foods that support your immune system

10 foods that support your immune system

One of the main ways to stay healthy is to eat wholesome natural foods. We have an opportunity at least three times a day to choose nutritious foods to help maximize our wellbeing and support our...

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What to Eat in October?

What to Eat in October?

When crisp cool air sets in it’s time to start shifting your meal plan to the comforting and delicious foods of autumn. Pumpkins and apples might come to mind when you think of seasonal fall foods...

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Tips for Making the Perfect Quesadilla

Tips for Making the Perfect Quesadilla

  Make a restaurant-quality quesadilla right in the comfort of your own kitchen. There’s something we all love about a simple delicious meal with only a few ingredients. Quesadillas also have the...

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Build A Better Sandwich

Build A Better Sandwich

Almost everyone enjoys eating a sandwich. It’s a simple versatile food that can be very satisfying. Sandwiches are easy to assemble at home and they can have two ingredients or twenty. But what...

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5 Health Benefits of Spicy Foods 

5 Health Benefits of Spicy Foods 

   Whether you like a bold spicy flavor or you love the fiery heat of chili peppers you will be delighted to know that many spicy foods have surprising health benefits. Even if you are not a fan of...

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Health Benefits of Vinegar

Health Benefits of Vinegar

Vinegar can be an essential ingredient in the kitchen. It’s useful for cooking as well as baking. Many professional chefs feel that vinegar is the key ingredient in salad dressings and marinades. ...

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Prepare your pantry

Prepare your pantry

Being prepared for extra time at home is wise during this season of life. However, it’s very different than hoarding or excessive impulse buying. The U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA) reminds us...

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3 Tips for Making Vegetables Taste Great

3 Tips for Making Vegetables Taste Great

Getting the necessary 2-3 cups of veggies per day can be difficult to achieve for many people. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) only 10% of American adults actually...

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Tips for Making a Great Stir Fry 

Tips for Making a Great Stir Fry 

Colorful stir fries are healthy, delicious and very customizable. They can be enjoyed year round with seasonal veggies and easy homemade sauces. Stir fries make a well balanced and practical...

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Benefits of Using a Pressure Cooker

Benefits of Using a Pressure Cooker

  The new rage in kitchen appliances is an electric pressure cooker. Compared to other methods of cooking like steaming and boiling, pressure cooking can help save time while also retaining more of...

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Health Tips for 2021

Health Tips for 2021

A new year can bring about a fresh start for your health and wellness journey. Many people had extra time in 2020 to ponder their daily fitness and eating habits. Starting the new year off right can...

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Healthy Holiday Choices

Healthy Holiday Choices

Part of enjoying a fulfilling holiday season is making choices that encourage and uplift your spirits. As you celebrate this year keep a few of these healthy choices in mind. Enjoy your favorite...

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Hot Off the Grill

Hot Off the Grill

It’s time to break out the grill. No need to cook inside on a beautiful spring or summer day. More flavor can be brought out of meats and veggies when they are cooked on an open flame. During this...

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Keto Diet

Keto Diet

The most recent dieting trend is the ketogenic diet, or commonly known as the keto diet.  It is a low carbohydrate, adequate protein and higher fat meal plan. The goal of the keto diet is to have...

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What’s a Flexitarian? 

What’s a Flexitarian? 

  The term flexitarian has been circulating around in our vocabulary in recent years. It comes from combining the words flexible and vegetarian. Signifying that people who follow these meal planning...

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Seasonal Fruit and Vegetables

Seasonal Fruit and Vegetables

The warm June sunshine brings an array of seasonal produce. Summer welcomes in a delightful crop of fruit like mangoes, berries, melons and apricots.  Seasonal fruit is more colorful, nutrient dense...

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Disease Fighting Foods

Disease Fighting Foods

Eating a well balanced diet is good for your physical and mental health. Certain foods pack such a nutritional punch that they can help ward off inflammation, heart disease and even the common...

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How to Eat Healthy on a Budget

How to Eat Healthy on a Budget

Buying wholesome and nutritious food doesn’t have to cost more. With a few simple planning techniques and a well balanced grocery list, you can leave the store feeling motivated to prepare a cost...

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Health Benefits of Lean Protein

Health Benefits of Lean Protein

  The proteins within our bodies are what make up bones, cartilage, muscles, skin and our blood. Therefore, it is essential to continually supply ourselves with quality protein sources so we can...

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4 Tips to Get Moving

4 Tips to Get Moving

We’ve often heard that exercise should be part of our daily routine. The value of maintaining an exercise program can impact our physical well-being, mental health and improve our heart functioning....

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6 Different Ways to Use Granola

6 Different Ways to Use Granola

Many people use granola as a breakfast food. It goes great atop yogurt or served with milk like cereal, but there are bountiful different ways to enjoy granola. Here are 6 unique ideas for how to...

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How to Make Canned Beans Taste Great

How to Make Canned Beans Taste Great

Beans are a versatile and nutrient dense plant-based protein. They’re often not recognized for their health benefits, but beans can help lower the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Each...

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4 Ways to Cook a Squash

4 Ways to Cook a Squash

Squash is a nutritious vegetable that comes in many different shapes and sizes. Winter squash varieties include butternut, acorn, spaghetti and buttercup. Most winter squash has a tough skin that...

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Health Benefits of an Air Fryer

Health Benefits of an Air Fryer

An air fryer offers the texture, taste and golden-brown crunch of a deep-fried favorite. Many people love air fryers because they help food achieve that familiar crunch and chewy center without all...

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Easy Lunch Ideas

Easy Lunch Ideas

Make a lunch you will actually look forward to eating. It’s easy to get stuck in a boring sandwich rut.  By finding the right combination of protein and vegetables you can easily make a delicious...

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Cooking with Herbs and Spices

Cooking with Herbs and Spices

Using the right balance of spice unlocks the best flavor for any dish.  Cooking with fresh or dried herbs will make a substantial difference to the flavor and popularity of a meal. With a growing...

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Eating Well for Mental Health

Eating Well for Mental Health

What we eat definitely affects our physical health, but it also impacts our mood and mental well-being. Research proves there is a connection between what we eat and how we feel. The right foods can...

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Health Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet

Health Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet

Choosing a plant-based diet helps you gain essential nutrients that you can’t get from any other foods. You don’t have to be vegan or even a vegetarian to enjoy a plant-based lifestyle.  The goal is...

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How to Declutter your Pantry

How to Declutter your Pantry

Keeping your pantry clean and organized can help you find things easier, preventing food and money waste. Whether you have a small pantry or a large one it’s important to take time at least once a...

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Start Strong in 2022

Start Strong in 2022

After the busyness of the holidays, many people desire a fresh and healthy start to their daily routines. Setting wellness goals is a familiar habit for many Americans in January. A New Year’s...

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Different Ways to Use Quinoa

Different Ways to Use Quinoa

Quinoa is a superfood that can be enjoyed year-round in a variety of dishes. It is a fiber and nutrient rich food that’s naturally gluten-free. There are several varieties of quinoa. You might find...

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Different Ways to Use Steak Sauce

Different Ways to Use Steak Sauce

Steak sauce is a surprisingly versatile condiment. Most good steaks don’t need much help from a sauce.  However, many people find that flank steak or other lean meats like poultry and pork benefit...

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How to Spring Clean your Refrigerator

Cleaning the refrigerator is not typically part of our regular routine.  However, over time gooey jars or leaky packaging can create a mess in your frig. We all need a reason to remove the old food...

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How to Cook with Leeks

How to Cook with Leeks

Leeks are in the same family as chives, onions, shallots and garlic. How you prepare and cut this large green vegetable will vary depending on how you plan to cook them.  They have a surprisingly...

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How to Use Fresh and Dried Coriander

How to Use Fresh and Dried Coriander

Fresh cilantro comes from the leaves of a coriander plant. Cilantro is used in a variety of dishes from Mexican to Asian cuisine.  The word “cilantro” is actually Spanish for “coriander leaves”. ...

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Seasonal Fruits & Veggies

Seasonal Fruits & Veggies

The best way to maintain a grocery budget is to buy fresh produce when it’s in season and most plentiful. The other benefit that comes along with seasonal fruits and veggies is that they always...

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How to Use Chia Seeds

How to Use Chia Seeds

The small but mighty chia seed packs a big nutritional punch. They are well known for their high fiber content and healthy omega-3 fats. These tiny seeds also have a unique characteristic.  If you...

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Meal Planning Tips

Meal Planning Tips

It can be difficult to stay energized and creative in the kitchen. We fall into ruts, making the same meal and snacks on repeat. The hard part about meal planning is that it’s a very personal...

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Why Choose Organic?

Why Choose Organic?

The best way to reduce exposure to chemicals, pesticides and hormones in food is to choose organic. For food to be USDA certified organic means that it was grown and processed according to federal...

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Health Benefits of Staying Hydrated

Health Benefits of Staying Hydrated

We all know that drinking enough water is a good idea especially during the warm summer months. Hydration is a key component in delivering nutrients to cells, regulating body temperature and keeping...

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Healthy 4th of July Recipes

Healthy 4th of July Recipes

July 4th is a holiday all about tradition, family, friends and food! If you are planning a gathering for your loved ones here are some recipe ideas that keep health, quality and taste in mind. ...

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Cooking With Fruit

Cooking With Fruit

Cooked fruit is an excellent way to add nutrients and variety to your summer meals.  Poaching, grilling and making compotes are common ways to cook fruit. Many people also enjoy adding spice or...

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Unique Ways to Use Apples

Unique Ways to Use Apples

Fall is the best time to enjoy a crisp, ripe apple. They are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and fiber. One of the best qualities of apples might be their versatility. They can stand alone as a...

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Why Choose Gluten-Free

Why Choose Gluten-Free

Trendy diets abound in America. Finding the right meal plan that is sustainable for your lifestyle is important. A gluten-free diet plan removes foods containing the protein found in wheat and...

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5 Different Ways to Use Chicken Thighs

5 Different Ways to Use Chicken Thighs

Chicken thighs often take a backseat to the boneless chicken breast. However, many cooks would argue that thighs are more flavorful and deserve their time to shine. Thighs are dark meat that is high...

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5 Tips for Making a Healthy Lunch

5 Tips for Making a Healthy Lunch

The best lunch you can make is the one you will enjoy eating. It’s important to find nutritious foods that will energize you for the afternoon.  Some foods high in refined carbohydrates can actually...

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Reinventing Leftovers

Reinventing Leftovers

Take your run-of-the-mill leftovers and make something exciting! Being a resourceful cook goes a long way in saving money at the grocery store. It can also help produce some surprisingly delicious...

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Healthy Holiday Habits

Healthy Holiday Habits

The holiday season is a time to eat, drink, and be merry. So, it can be challenging to stick with your normal nutrition and exercise habits. However, a little good intention goes a long way. If you...

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Unique Ways to Use Winter Squash

Unique Ways to Use Winter Squash

Roasted winter squash is popular in many fall and holiday recipes. This flavorful vegetable can be enjoyed by itself, or it can be the secret ingredient to the main dish. Some of the most common...

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Heart Healthy Valentine’s Dinner Ideas

Heart Healthy Valentine’s Dinner Ideas

Valentine’s Day is a time to show off your best culinary skills because the way to the heart is often through delicious food. Savor your Valentine’s dinner for two or more at home by setting the...

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5 Easy Make-Ahead Meals

5 Easy Make-Ahead Meals

Walking into the kitchen, hungry at 6pm, and needing to figure out what to cook for dinner is stressful. On the flip side, arriving home after a long day knowing that you have a healthy and...

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Practice Prevention

Practice Prevention

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, some of the most common health problems in the United States are diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Yet, we can choose to make...

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Ways to Use Roasted Garlic

Ways to Use Roasted Garlic

It’s incredible how roasting a whole garlic bulb can transform the flavor of this small but mighty vegetable. A little time in the oven turns the cloves into sweet buttery sections that are easy to...

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How to Cook with Swiss Chard

How to Cook with Swiss Chard

  Swiss chard is a leafy green vegetable with stalks that can be a variety of colors. Rainbow chard has bright red, yellow, pink, orange, and even white stalks. Typically, the colors fade with...

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Best Ways to Use Frozen Vegetables

Best Ways to Use Frozen Vegetables

  A great way to cook on a budget and meet your nutritional needs is to choose frozen vegetables. Many frozen veggies and fruits are picked at the ideal time when they’re ripe and full of nutrients....

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Reinventing Potatoes

Reinventing Potatoes

Potatoes are a staple in almost every kitchen. The main reasons being they are versatile, delicious, cost-effective, and very satisfying. Potatoes are rich in several vitamins and minerals,...

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How to Elevate Your Grilled Cheese

How to Elevate Your Grilled Cheese

A grilled cheese sandwich is the ultimate comfort food at any stage of life. It can take on a classic flavor with only a few ingredients or you can invite in a multitude of different combinations....

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Foods to Support Brain Function

Foods to Support Brain Function

  Our brain is a vital organ that works as the control center for the body. The foods we eat play a big role in the health and structure of our brain tissue. In fact, many studies have shown that...

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Health Benefits of Sunlight

Health Benefits of Sunlight

There are many great reasons to get outside and soak up a little sun. Getting the right amount of sun exposure can improve your overall well-being. Here are four health benefits of sunlight and...

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What to Look for on a Food Label

What to Look for on a Food Label

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration requires labels on most packaged foods. A food label provides information to help people make healthy and informed decisions. It’s important to know how to...

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Unique Ways to Use Zucchini

Unique Ways to Use Zucchini

Summer is prime time for zucchini and yellow squash. If you’ve ever grown your own zucchini, you know that you are bursting with pounds of squash during harvest time. Many people begin seeking out...

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Planning a Family Friendly Cookout

Planning a Family Friendly Cookout

Warmer weather and a laid-back summer schedule make this a great time to plan a cookout at your home. We have some things for you to consider when you are planning a family friendly cookout.  ...

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Fresh and Easy Summer Recipes

Fresh and Easy Summer Recipes

If you want to spend more time outside and less time in the kitchen, here are some deliciously fresh and easy summer recipes. These recipes focus on fresh seasonal produce and the ability to be made...

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National Wellness Month

National Wellness Month

It’s always important to prioritize healthy eating, exercise, and stress management. Since August is National Wellness Month, it’s a great time to focus on your physical and mental well-being. These...

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Top Holiday Wellness Tips

To feel your best this holiday season, it’s important to make time for self-care. When you practice proper self-care, you can better help others while having the necessary energy for your job or...

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Heart Healthy Diet

If you have a family history of heart disease or you are looking for a well-balanced meal plan, following a heart-healthy diet can be a preventative measure. Consuming vegetables, high-fiber grains,...

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Health Benefits of Cranberries

We often think of cranberries as a Thanksgiving side dish. However, this antioxidant-rich berry can offer health benefits year-round. Learn more about this delicious berry and the best ways to use...

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Self-Care Tips for December

The holidays can be a very joyous time, but they can also be stressful. The importance of health and mental well-being should be prioritized during these long winter months. It is possible to...

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Unique Ways to Use Oatmeal

Did you know oats are one of the most nutritious and versatile foods? You can learn this firsthand by trying the unique ways our resident dietitian uses oats. Take a look through this article and...

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How to Use Canned Coconut Milk

Coconut milk is a perfect non-dairy substitute for a variety of recipes! Join our resident dietitian, Rebecca, as she explores the versatility of cooking and baking with coconut milk. Learn more...

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Health Benefits of Milled Flax Seeds

Flax seeds have long been an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. Many health experts recommend ground flax seeds because they help improve digestion while also decreasing inflammation...

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10 Surprising Uses for Apple Cider Vinegar

Vinegar is well known for its use in the kitchen. It’s a key ingredient for salad dressings, marinades, and sauces. Apple Cider Vinegar has surprising household and cooking applications that you...

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How to Use Blue Agave Sweetener

Looking for a sweetener alternative? You have come to the right place! Our resident dietitian, Rebecca, will walk you through the benefits of using Blue Agave Sweetener. From vitamins to a lower...

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Why Choose Coconut Flour and Sugar

With coconuts being gluten-free and plant based there are many reasons to choose Coconut Flour and Sugar for your next bake. Learn more about these two coconut products and how to use them in your...

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All-American Pork Burger

All-American Pork Burger

All-American Smithfield Pork Burger served on sandwich buns and topped with American or Cheddar cheese, lettuce, tomato and Smithfield Bacon.

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Grilled Chicken Kabobs

Grilled Chicken Kabobs

Grilled Chicken Kabobs Servings: 4 Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 10 minutes Total Time: 20 minutes Ingredients • 1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breast, diced into 1 inch pieces • ¼ cup...

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Green Goddess Dressing

Green Goddess Dressing

Green Goddess Dressing Servings: 10 Prep Time: 8 minutes Cook Time: 0 minutes Total Time: 8 minutes Ingredients • 1/2 cut mint • 1/2 cup flat parsley • 1/2 cilantro • 1 teaspoon chives • 1/4 cup...

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